t0da3 super busy worrxs...
earli in th mornin wake up ^o^
gt woken up by a sms frm <3
forcin miself to get outta bed cuz gt..
mus watch th syf tingie..
ji3 [fiona] reach so earli lor!
she ask mi reach earli bt mi bus did nt cum..
so w8 w8 w8..d3n she caled..
lucki nt l8! jus in time ^.^
tot it wil b borin bt actualy nt bad lahh..
th thai dance is kinda cool..
bt th ger is repeatin th same ting over n over..
with th music tat is pissin mi off..
it was hell for th few mins..
at last finish liao!
finish damn earli wor..
ji3 go locker tak tings..
d3n we hav to go find chrysler, nico n benedict..
do th stupe lang fest..
expected it to b damn long bt lucki
it was kinda fast
d3n go market there eat lunch..
after tat 3 of them nedda go BB..
ji3 ned go hme..
d3n ie hav to go NAT BDAE!
meet with nat, mel n yan..
n nats fwen luo zhi [xiang]
== chee-na..
wan go watch movie..
d3n sudd3nly two pepo appear..
nat's dear dwn there..n fwen..
he so hum ji lor..
dun dare cum in front of nat..
chicken lahh eu! [nat no offense ar..^.^ lol]
watch movie d3n go tak neo-print!
mi nat mel n yan ^.^
after takin bla bla
d3n ie ned go for mi stupe makup tuition..
parted with them..TT!
ie last wk kinda sick so replace over to todae..
after finish liao ie ned eat dinner..
wok around duno wad to eat..
so go out of amk hub buy th takopachi
nt bad lah quite nice..
bt is lyk so freakin big..
gt to bite lyk 3-4 times to finish one..
bought lyk 3..
hopeing tat it cn last mi til 10pm..
after wokin around lyk sum stupe loner
at last!
8 oredi..
d3n wok over to stalford..
went for tuition..
at last finish..
9.30 liao..damn dark..
tak bus bac d3n reach hme bout 10..
ate a lil leftover diner..
watch tv..
busy dae sia!
din get to get hme until 10pm!
tmr mus wak up earli for BB..
hope ie get selected for tis years team
*cros fingers*
earli lor..
hope ie nt l8..
fri go wild wild wet!
with pri sku fwens!
^.^ yay
cnt w8..
nth much to sae lerr..
buai buai!